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  • Icon of a quality badge

    Premium Quality

    We ensure that our products meet high standards by maintaining close relationship with suppliers and verifying quality and efficacy certifications.

  • Icon of leaves

    Recyclable, Non-Toxic, Natural

    Our products are made to pass SGS International Environmental Testing Certification.

  • Icon of a protected computer

    Secure Transactions

    We use authorised and verified payment gateways to ensure maximum security and safety during transactions.

  • Icon of half frowning, half smiling emoji

    Mental Health Matters

    Every order helps provide accessible mental health care and support to an young adult in need.

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  • Yoga Props

    Support your strength, balance, and alignment with Heal & Grow's selection of diverse... 

  • Hydration

    Relax and rest after your yoga meditation session with Heal & Grow's... 

  • Yoga Mats

    Deepen your everyday yoga practice with Heal & Grow's selection of premium... 

  • Recovery

    Relax and rest after your yoga meditation session with Heal & Grow's... 

  • Blankets

    Boost your yoga and meditation practice with Heal & Grow's selection of... 

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We blend functional yoga and meditation essentials with artisanal detailing to create a stylish and eco-friendly way to stay fit. From our premium mats to our stylish accessories, we offer everything you need to start or continue your practice. Plus, our commitment to using eco-friendly materials ensures that you are supporting a positive change in the world around us every time you purchase from us.